Privacy Policy

  1. Information Collection
    • This app collects user device information, usage data, crash logs, and other related information.
    • The details of the collected information are as follows:
      • Device model, OS version, language settings, etc.
      • App usage date and time, usage duration, accessed pages, etc.
      • App crash logs, error information, etc.
    • This app does not collect users' personal information (name, address, phone number, email address, etc.).
  2. Purpose of Information Usage
    • The collected information is used for the following purposes:
      • App improvement and development of new features
      • Bug fixes and app stability enhancement
      • User support provision
      • Usage analysis and statistical data creation
    • The collected information will not be used for purposes other than those mentioned above.
  3. Information Management
    • The collected information is managed on servers with appropriate security measures in place.
    • Access to the information is limited to authorized personnel with necessary business permissions.
    • We take necessary measures to prevent information leakage, loss, or destruction.
  4. Provision of Information to Third Parties
    • The collected information will not be provided to third parties except in the following cases:
      • When the user's consent is obtained
      • When required by law
      • When necessary for the protection of human life, body, or property
      • When necessary for the protection of our company's rights or property
    • Our company may share the collected information with third parties such as Unity or analytics tool providers.
    • The provision of information to third parties is limited to the minimum necessary scope.
  5. User Rights
    • Users have the right to request disclosure, correction, deletion, or suspension of use of their own information from our company.
    • Users can refuse (opt-out) the collection of information from the app's settings screen.
    • However, if users opt-out, some features of the app may become unavailable.
  6. Information of Minors
    • This app is intended for users [target age] and above.
    • If a minor under [target age] uses this app, parental consent is required.
    • Our company does not collect information from minors without parental consent.
  7. Compliance with Laws and Regulations
    • This app complies with relevant laws and regulations (Personal Information Protection Act, GDPR, CCPA, etc.).
    • Our company may provide the collected information to relevant authorities when required by law.
  8. Contact Information
    • For inquiries regarding the privacy policy, please contact us at:
      • Contact: [Company name, department in charge, email address, etc.]
  9. Changes to the Privacy Policy
    • Our company may change this privacy policy as necessary.
    • The changed privacy policy will take effect when it is posted within the app or on the distribution page.

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